Now keep abreast of the latest news and updates from India and the world at Newspatrolling, one of the leading news portals offering you a wide assortment of stories from various domains such as entertainment, politics, business, lifestyle, careers, sports, reviews, automobile, technology and leisure.
Why Newspatrolling ?
Newspatrolling offers unbiased stories, so what you get are real news updates that are not tainted by personal opinions. News updates on prominent news portals are often influenced by powerful forces in the political and corporate world, so what you read there is often prejudiced information. At newspatrolling, you can be sure to get the facts right and then you are free to form your opinions accordingly. It is free from political and business affiliations, so the question of reporting biased stories does not arise.
Newspatrolling offers stories as they happenand not manipulated versions of the real stories, as is the case with other news portals. If you are looking for something that eliminates outdated or regurgitated stuff, then Newspatrolling is where you want to be. The news stories are sourced directly from news agencies, and presented on the website with minimal changes to reflect the real picture. You can be assured that what you are reading is the most updated content you will find online.
Newspatrolling utilizes customized content management system (CMS), which makes it easier for readers to get the information they are looking for. The navigation is simple and intuitive and the home page provides a brief overview of all the top stories in all categories. If short of time, you can quickly glance over the top stories, and get a bird’s eye view of what’s going on around you. A search option is also provided to help you get to the story you are looking for without having to browse through various sections manually.
Newspatrolling provides shopping updates that include any new offers, discounts, sales, deals, etc. by leading retailers and e-tailers such as flipkart, snapdeal, amazon, myntra, jabong, grabmore, fashionandyou, fabfurnish, shopclues, marks & spencer, etc. Browsing through this section is a good way to keep a tab on the latest product and service offerings and the deals and discounts being made available. You can take a peek at this section for the best shopping experience and save tons of money in discounted deals.
Newspatrolling has integrated apps, such as the ‘news in mail’ that delivers news directly in the subscriber’s inbox. Registered users don’t have to visit the site every day, as they can read the latest news in their email accounts. You can choose the news categories you wish to receive updates about, something that will help you focus on your areas of interest rather than wasting your time on reading anything and everything.
Keep abreast of the developments and be informed because this is the world you live in and what happens here is bound to affect you, directly or indirectly. Visit Newspatrolling today for the top stories as they are happening in India and abroad.
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